New City Church


Fill out the form and visit the Info Center to receive a "hello bag" from us. 


Fill out the form and visit the Info Center to receive a "hello bag" from us. 

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fusion rally

Fusion Rally at New City Church is a guide to help you discover your giftings, the mission of our church, and how we all fit together.  Fusion Rally invites you to believe in the Word of God, belong to one another, and become who God designed you to be. Equipping you with resources, next steps, and opportunities to serve others.

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Serve on a team

All of us were created by God to make a difference in the life of another person. God has a special place for you where your unique abilities and passions can touch the lives of others. At New City Church, serving on a ministry team is an awesome opportunity to minister alongside other believers who share your unique passion.

Join a team today to begin making a difference.

There is a place for everyone!

We believe the greatest leadership is service to others.

What are you doing wednesday?

Held at both campuses, Life Night is what makes our church so special.  Doors open at 6:30 pm for coffee, but we begin the night at 7 pm with a few songs of worship, exhortation, and break out for table talks. Every week is a unique experience where you'll enjoy fellowship and encouragement from different people each Wednesday.

You + crew = community