Applicant Information

If yes, please email a copy of your insurance card to

Guardian Information

Church Information

Tell Us About Yourself!

Program Fee Information

The total cost of the Align Summer Program is $350. A deposit of $50 is required at time of application.

All applicants are required to pay the $50 deposit to complete the application process. This includes applicants who plan on requesting sponsorship.

To make any of the below payment options, simply scroll to the 
bottom of the Align Page. 

Personal Commitment

We ask all Align applicants to make a personal commitment to be fully engaged in the program. We understand not everyday will be the best day, but we ask each applicant to commit to a great start and an even better ending.

We fully believe what you put into this program is what you will get out of it. Therefore, by completing this application and signing below you are making a personal commitment to yourself and to us, to go ALL IN and see what God can do in 8-week.